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  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

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Facebook; turns the screw silence

 Facebook is available on all the terms of influencing public opinion both in terms of harmony with the popular values, or constant attendance and accumulation resulting from the impressive and broad participation and trading mechanisms. Facebook then turn the scales in favor of a more active and more willing political elite to exercise the role of deterrence and punishment against those who were practicing that day against the majority of the population. But the question remains with regard to accept the political elite of this heart in a spiral of silence and about whether Strdkh to the will of a solid nucleus is growing stronger day after day on the table.It showed the campaign organized by political activists on the Facebook pages against parliamentarians retired and Minister for informational phenomenon and political new in the global political landscape and that can be analyzed through a review of the theory in industry-related public opinion and political science and the so-called theory of "spiral of silence".The German researcher science meeting Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann is incorporation of the theory related to industry leading public opinion and calls it "spiral of silence". This theory is a way to establish a public opinion industry in the community by observing the individual's social surroundings.According to this theory diagram, trying to individual through quasi-statistical mechanism inside Note the social environment and therefore rated for the distribution of opinions in this ocean and to know whether these views for or against ideas carried by, and is also working to assess the strength and the potential success of these views in the investigation trading year. His assessment of the conflicting views in the social environment, the individual shall take a decision determines the position of these views and thus be adopted by individual position. According to this theory often it adopts the individual and the prevailing view is backed by the ruling elite and the media promoted by him, for fear of isolation and revenge. As a result, the individual becomes a reluctant and afraid to express his opinion, especially if it was his opinion contrary to the prevailing public opinion, and resort to silence to protect himself.
This theory did not ignore the possibility of people challenging the prevailing public opinion and express their opinion, despite all the harassment, and designated them as "hard core". This theory also established a tracer to determine the intellectual and political conditions that make the media play a key role in the public opinion industry, which is often, and especially in developing countries and authoritarian, an expression of opinion wheels stuck minority rule, any ruling elite. And this theory has identified three basic conditions in order to the media to contribute to the effectiveness of each industry in public opinion:-altnagm Between media content and values ​​or interests defended by the media.- Accumulation and that means repeat this content for a long time and across different -almktobh audio and visual means.- Full attendance as a source of information, any monopoly on the distribution of information that describes the social and political reality.
Under these circumstances can the media the actual distribution of information for the benefit of the ruling elite and so directed by making opinion this ruling minority public opinion and acceptable to the masses, and therefore anyone who has a different opinion becomes binding commitment of silence to protect himself from retaliation this elite, except of course the hard core that hinder publicly on the validity of this public opinion in the representation of the majority opinion.
What has happened since 2011, who knew the so-called Arab-year-old, encouraged the pioneers of social networking sites to express their opinion within the limits vary depending on the circumstances, and reduced the role of the official media industry in general opinion is in line with the opinion of the ruling minority. And he has known the role of social networking sites, especially Facebook, which is the most widely used in Morocco, a remarkable increase in importance and influence, where the number of patrons in 2014 of five million. With the increase in political exploitation of this site began a spiral of silence in favor of political activists opposed to political behavior of some members of this elite, where he became the view promoted by the more influential Facebook pages in the public opinion industry, which has become more balanced than before.What confirms this argument is what actually happened in the previous short period, when serious discussion began on the reform of the pension fund, and began to appear popular claims the abolition of the retirement of parliamentarians and ministers on the grounds of being politically rent is not in line with the current stage where the difficulties and constraints become a reality in This thorny issue. The individual citizen has become more an expression of disapproval for the continuation of this political rents at a time when the Prime Minister just looking at the reform of the pension fund at the expense of the average citizen.What is actually happening from the media and decision-making refers to a radical shift in the mechanism of the original theoretical interpretation and became a minister and is able to express their opinion on the subject of Representatives, out of fear of political isolation caused by Alvesbuqueh campaigns against those who dared to reject the popular proposal to abolish the retirement of that Ministers and MPs. And what actually happened to the Secretary of Ofilal and Alehiti attest to this.The heart of the political status of the spiral of silence expresses the change in public opinion industry especially with regard to sensitive issues that are resolved at the expense of the average citizen. The contribution of Facebook as a social networking and political change in public opinion industry mechanisms remain substantial and give this site a fifth power exert their influence clearly on the political scene


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