kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

    ريال مدريد

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iOS 9.3 2016

iOS 9.3 allows knowledge of data consumption lesson Wi-Fi Assist feature 
It embarked Apple this week the beta of iOS 9.3, which added to a number of interesting features including improvements to the technology 3D Touch and options for protection and feature Night Shift version, and we've talked previously about these advantages but in this article we will shed light on the new feature enjoyed by this release.
This new system makes it easier for users the ability to know the amount of data they use when activating the Wi-Fi Assist that allows users to maintain a stable connection and a powerful message across to move automatically to cellular data when the Wi-Fi signal is weak, and although it is a clever feature, but that feature Some users have noticed after a while they started to consume large amounts of data over the cellular network which led to the exorbitant bills for them, especially since enabled by default this feature.
Through the system iOS 9.3 beta, the Wi-Fi Assist option became displays the amount of use the data to help users know when their consumption activate this feature.
Finally, and due to the presence of many of the confusion surrounding this feature when activated, and should be noted that this feature is not done when the phone is in roaming Roaming or download content or broadcast audio clips and video clips.


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