kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

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LG designed folding screen size of 18-inch high-quality

Screens section containing in the GE model artificially distinctive screen size of 18 inches are foldable such as the paper it will be presented during the exhibition of consumer electronics CES 2016 this week, and based technique developed the company's efforts in the field of screens OLED, which focuses on design screens curved and are foldable display, has The company offered a concept about this technology last year but kept under wraps but the pictures seem to have become ready to show to the world at the moment.
It is worth noting that other companies such as Sony, Samsung and Sharp introduced this concept in the past, but this shows that the LG look at this type of display as points characteristic for smartphones and tablets, TVs and hopes the arrival of these screens to phones and into the homes of users , the company will display curved screen size of 25 inches installed inside a car in the Auto Zone section in the exhibition.
During the next couple of days we will be able to form a better idea about this midwife for foldable screens as well as a large TV screen size of 55-inch ultra-slim installed all electronic parts which independently and according to LG


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