For these reasons, you have to stop the use of adblock:
It could be the title of a strange topic a bit and the subject is not useful to you, but I hope to complement the reading until the end, even if you feel quickly bored of reading watched the video at the bottom to reach the information quicker, but really this article, this message is very important for every website owner or a blog, or even considering that the draft wills online and is adding a adblock and benefits and seriousness.
*Add the benefits of adblock:
We all know that in addition adblock on browsers or adblock software on your computer is a blessing from God we even rest of annoying ads that already has become a big and many are unbearable even when the login page or site for download or sites you them to download movies or pirated material in general, be it very troublesome and mostly ads say you DOWNLOAD and in the end you download something different I know that this is very annoying and added adblock made you feel more comfortable surfing the Internet with the end of the advertising for you and of course this added great for you, but For us as developers and bloggers.
*Cons Add adblock:
We spoke on the benefits of adblock and it's already a blessing for you to the mercy of annoying ads that invade and penetrate the device is grotesque, but should not all Web sites or blogs pay the price, such as the Code Crazy Net and other blogs that offer good content and useful for Arabic content is general there are some sites is very bad in dealing with ads such as pop-up ads and mandatory pages and lots and lots of ads illegal This must be handled forces already because it is disturbing and must use the Add adblock her .. but useful blogs that provide useful and content Free is not asking for anything in return over only the ads because they contrast the only long her and always be legal announcements like that are in the Code of Crazy Net legal ads 100% and unobtrusive fully and in good places do not disturb the reader, not even visiting .. blogs that provide useful content darkness has been added to this already .. For you, like intervention and dealing with the food in the restaurant and leave without pay or account until you say thank you this is already Kasi.
Add actually good for sites where there are unobtrusive ads and adblock but there are sites and blogs useful content and Free is also provided and will always be a source of profit from the legal ads and who is extremely simple now become almost non-existent and in the end, blogger, or who wants to set up site will feel despair at first, because the provision to the content or anything of the Arab nation .. this disease Aptdy already spread because the physical return to this subject have ads, but today it is a no ads if there are no profits if there are no forums and every day, rather than increase the number of sites large sites have become fully useful to go bankrupt because of this added adblock and final closing and is completely free online in the future will become.
Who uses advertising on his or his blog used for a few profits and pay hosting or hosting service or domain and other every month .. If you do not see advertisements and did not come to Him profit in the end will result in the closure of its location or the Code because the ads do not bring anything It can not pay $ 100 each month from his own pocket for hosting nothing is coming in the end.
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