kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

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Windows 10

How do I remove applications pre-installed on Windows 10 g
Windows 10 system many applications come pre-installed that are not used or use some of them, some of these applications work in the background and often take a bit of random memory or processor capabilities, so in this matter will be talking about how to remove these Altaattabiqat.
To do so can be used PowerShell that comes with Windows 10 and should get a manager privileges, and in the event that Almsthaddam wanted to recover some or any application has been removed, can be done through Windows Store, where it's available for free.
How do I delete the applications pre-installed:
1. Go to the search box and typing "PowerShell" command.
2. Right-click the mouse, and choose "Run as administrator".
3. typing the following command in P screen
Get-AppxPackage –AllUsers
So as to obtain a list of applications installed in the device for all users, as it gives further information on the application.

Commands in the deletion process consists of two parts Get-AppxPackage then Albakiq name (the package), it means
you get the package, and Remove-AppxPackage used to delete and uninstall the application.


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