kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

    ريال مدريد

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Google's Google Maps application on iOS occur

 Over the past months have been Google is working hard to develop the version of iOS from Google Maps application, which is dedicated to mobile iPhone and devices iPad, the company has launched an update to this application in the month of January and followed up update last in the month of February, and now the company is back once In other has updated this application again, adding new features enjoyable.

Although Google designed a set of the best software in the world, but there are some people who prefer to stay away from applications and services for various reasons, but in any case, even haters Google using Google Maps application because it is better than any other application available in the market, but now this application on iOS is much better than the previous.

On Wednesday the company has launched a new update is 4.4.0 contains a collection of updates and solutions to some of the problems, also includes four new features are:

1. The ability to see a full-screen display by clicking on an empty spot on the map.

2. Show the colors of the transmission lines on the map when you get the views of transportation.

3. filter search results for restaurants classified into the category of Zagat.

4. The ability to type or click on the microphone button and say "orientation" somewhere to get faster results.

The latter feature is most important because many people have faced difficulties when you get on the trends in the previous versions of the application, and now you can become knowledge directions to anywhere via this feature, and if you do not like talking on the microphone it you can write "orientation" place What and get the same results.


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