a time when the voices calling for a boycott of telephone services on
Saturday and Sunday, in protest at the decision to prevent free
communication applications, such as "The Atsab" and "Skype" and "Viper",
many people looked forward to the reaction of "hackers" Moroccan
control who show strongly in such These occasions.It seemed clear that the Moroccan pirates were divided about the
decision to stop three telecommunications companies of between
applications free meal wore Brdaha claimants, and those who were
satisfied with regret repeating phrases, or, at best, show anger, while
not listed in the often serious and strong reactions."Hackers"
Moroccan "Radwan.m" attributed, in remarks to the Hespress, the pirates
retreated from making a strong backlash about what happened, and to
avoid the face of the ban, that most of the "hackers" old and interested
in people issues, and who have experience in the field, have become moving away from such issues. He
continued, "hackers" the same that "such subjects no longer do any
great benefit in Morocco, and became the majority of the pirates go
for-profit, and the search for private interest, through piracy bank
accounts, or the use of so-called" spam ", and other techniques that
would be behind income Financial".He
pointed spokesman that contributed to this situation effectivelya
major rift in the ranks of the ancient pirates, since he was arrested on
some of them outside of Morocco persisting as For these reasons
disintegrated large gatherings that had come out of her decisions to
launch attacks for concern to people issues, as he put it.And
he went on the same spokesman that "some of the pirates left the area,
and turned to" hackers moral "with foreign companies outside the
country, some of whom became discover gaps and provided by Western
companies, either to guarantee a certain financial future, or to obtain
evidence of appreciation and financial rewards, because many people
worked for years in this area without that care about their state. "
Regarding the available techniques in order to compensate for the prohibition of Applications "and Atsab" and "Skype", the spokesman reported that there are many ways that enable the challenge of prevention, but they remain prosthesis, such as the use the IP of another State, or contact by VPN, and the "new applications He appeared on the "Google Store", the task of changing the "Abyei" mobile devices ".
Regarding the available techniques in order to compensate for the prohibition of Applications "and Atsab" and "Skype", the spokesman reported that there are many ways that enable the challenge of prevention, but they remain prosthesis, such as the use the IP of another State, or contact by VPN, and the "new applications He appeared on the "Google Store", the task of changing the "Abyei" mobile devices ".
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