Reload new WhatsApp provides connectivity with Facebook account:
the source: GooGle plusGooGle plus
Since acquiring Facebook on the application of the famous Watts August WhatsApp messaging in 2014 the amount exceeded $ 20 billion has been no new to this application only the addition of voice calls between users of this feature found in most messaging applications, including the application of Facebook Messenger, which can be said that WhatsApp It remained independent of Facebook to a large extent throughout this period that stretched to two years.
New leaks suggest that the application of the famous correspondent company is planning to allow communication between the Atsab and Facebook accounts where indicate leaked orders from the next version, which has not officially called a 4.12.413 presence of link WhatsApp account option with a Facebook account in order to improve the experience of Facebook famous social network.^
We can not say for sure how useful this new feature there may be a shortcut, for example, to add Posted on Facebook directly from within the application or anything else.
This coincides with the abolition of the annual subscription paid in Atsab amounting to $ 1 perhaps in an attempt of the company in order to earn additional or we can say that Facebook may perform this step in order to use the advantages of WhatsApp and make it exclusive to subscribers of the famous social networking network users.
What do you think you this new characteristic that has already been launched
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