Light smart devices screens may affect the biological your watch
The use of smart phones and computers for long periods may be affected when sleep times and talked to him disorders and defects in the work of the body organs and hormones, because of the vulnerability of the human biological clock colored blue devices screens, how to overcome this problem?
A little bit of sleep or sleep in uncomfortable he must avoid the use of smart phones and computers, and because of that the color of the smart phone screens and computer monitors and laptops similar to the color of the sun during daylight hours.
And reacts to the human body with these colors involuntarily, also said the website of the TV "to 24" German, as found in human eyes on a very small sensors inside Malanobsin dye (Melanopsin) in sensitive retina and is responsible for biological human time cells, which are affected with color Blue screens in smart devices.
The sensors eye sends signals to the brain to learn about the things to complete the process of considering, says Professor Horst-Werner Korf biologist at the University of Frankfurt, which adds: "There is in the human brain biological clock key that sends all the directives to other biological clocks in the human body." And when you see eye to the color blue is the brain sends a prompt to wake up, and then the body secrete only a fraction of the hormone "melatonin" in charge of organizing the vital rhythm of the human person, and that makes a person feel sleepy and then sleep.
Any color that smart devices and computers screens affect the internal clock of the human person. There are biological clock center of the brain and regulates the work of 20 thousand neurons. And regulate the human biological clock sleep and body temperature and heart rate and the work of various hormones in the body.
When influenced by the biological clock of the human being because of electronic devices screens lights person can not deceive the biological clock and sleep late, for example, because the suggestions biological clock will affect the work of a lot of members of the body and cause sleep disturbances and imbalance in blood circulation, forgetfulness, loss of excitement and personal motives.
Therefore it advised to develop "cool mask" on the eyes every evening after work. Those who are working on an ongoing basis with computer screens Vinshawwa to avoid looking at the screen once every 20 minutes for a period of at least 20 seconds, or about 6 meters away from the screen, as the transfer of the website of the TV "to 24" German.
In addition to affecting the long use of smart devices on the eye safety, as the eye feel tired and exhausted afterwards. This is what causes itching in the eye area and dry and blurred vision and pain in the head, also said "these ficin Concil", which showed a study conducted that about 70 percent of those born between 1981 and 1996 with the condition Foundation report.
The blue light in the phones and computers over the effects of devices on the human eye and the retina of the eye, as the institution said.
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