kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

    ريال مدريد

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whatsapp 2016

whatsapp became available on the computer:
According to unconfirmed sources:
The company announced the launch of Atsab feature the long-awaited by the users of the application of the famous chat, is the possibility to use the application over the Web from your computer browser.
The company noted that the Web version of the application is an extension of the user's phone, in the sense that the application on the phone must be enabled and connected to the Internet, so that it becomes possible to offer of talks on the computer screen.
To activate Atsab within the browser and the user needs to open the address https://web.whatsapp.com under the "Google Chrome" browser exclusively, and scan QR Code QR code on the screen, and will directly connect the phone and a copy of the Atsab with Web copy. The company stressed the need to make sure the user from having the last version of the application


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