kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

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Android phones have the facial recognition technology 2016

Google announced a new partnership with Movidius manufacturer of the slides in order to bring facial recognition to Android OS phones, the two companies are currently working in Movidius slice MA2450 placed inside these phones in order to identify many things like the face of the user or the signs in the streets without having to raise the possibilities any images.
It is worth mentioning here that Movidius company that specializes in computer vision technology and previously had worked with the search giant on the Internet in its Project Tango to help smart phones in the sense of the real world is three-dimensional, says the president of smart devices section in Google Miley company on the subject:

Movidius to work with the company will be able to expand the technology to reach beyond what any of the data centers to the real world in order to give users the advantages of intelligent machines in their mobile devices.

Through the use of these technologies in Android phones means adding several safety features such as distinctive facial recognition not only for the phone and the employer but also for business operations that will be used in such a sensitive footprint exactly but more advanced way. As many possibilities open to us, especially for people who suffer from visual impairments where it is possible that this technology will help them in their recognition of road signs


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