kooora world

  • 22/2/2016 - 7:35 م

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Oracle 2016

Oracle announces the end of the additions to the Java Web browsers
Oracle officially announced the end of the development of Java  Plugin additions and cancellation of the next version of the software package JDK development for a number of reasons, to get to know it in the following article:
 Oracle Corporation announced that it would remove the Java additions to the popular Internet browsers and Java Plugin in the next update of the software development package for Java Development Kit from next year and the reason certainly respect the security aspect.

For many years to put these additions the user the risk of many of the security breaches famous and developer Fsharkp Kaspersky software antivirals, for example, claimed once that this software caused in at least 50 percent of the digital attacks, malware in 2012 also found Mokhtrkon in the last year of security vulnerability in trying to penetrate the system members in NATO.

It is known that Java additions were enables developers to run small applications on the web pages but it will be abolished completely for the new version of Oracle JDK The company tries to encourage users to Mtcefhatha lack of support for Java applications Java Applets

Oracle's decision not to support Java came after the decision of the developers of browsers Chrome and Firefox support to remove these additions before many months, as happened with the Flash Player to Adobe company who Almtcefhan mentioned the abolition of support to him in the last year and might be heading towards the end of the close.


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